Fitness and Exercise Blog - February 2006 fitness blog

Weight Training Leg Exercises For Inline Skating

With winter soon coming to an end, for many of you it's almost time to get out your inline skates, rollerblades and lace them up! I really enjoy inline skating when it warms up and during the summer months. So over the next few blog entries I will be discussing this sport in various ways.

Besides doing a little cardiovascular exercise before lacing your blades up for the first time, here are 3 weight training leg exercises that will help you strengthen your legs for inline skating: leg press, leg extensions and standing calf raise. 

Here are some tips. Try to do the leg press on a vertical machine and avoid the horizontal leg press in my opinion it is a waste of time. It is not as effective and I've seen studies that have proven this point. Also, you do not necessarily have to do really heavy weights. Lighter weights are fine. Just focus on doing each movement slowly with 3 to 4 sets of 12 to 16 reps is fine.

If you have time you could add some other leg exercises such as lunges or glute exercises too.

By weight training your legs several months in advance, you should feel little or no soreness the first time you go inline skating.

Posted on: Tuesday February 28, 2006

Studies On The Benefits of Vitamins and Supplements

There are so many medical studies these days in the news supporting the merits of taking certain vitamins and supplements. Several studies in the past concluded that taking extra Calcium will prevent osteoporosis in women. Now we have studies saying that additional supplementation of calcium provides no extra benefits. Which studies are we to believe? Which ones are the most accurate? What you hear in the news can be quite confusing for most people!

There is no need to be overly concerned or worried over the conflicting studies. My advice is the following which most medical and fitness professionals will give.

Exercise regularly incorporating cardiovascular and some form of weight training 2 to 3 times per week. Weight bearing exercises help in the prevention of bone loss. My website has many weight training exercises for you here as well as some excellent book excerpts on new approaches to exercise.

Secondly, eat properly. Proper nutrition is vital for maintaining your ideal weight and health.  I know that sometimes it's not possible to eat all your fruits and vegetables, plus the vitamin content in fruits and vegetables is decreasing over time. A lot of that has to do with the manner in which produce is grown and shipped to market, but that is a topic for another time. But not to worry because cereals and other foods are fortified with extra vitamins and minerals these days.

You may also consider taking a quality multi-vitamin daily. On my next blog entry, I will discuss one high quality multi-vitamin that I haeve been taking since 1992.

Posted on: Sunday February 26, 2006

Obesity Rate Depends On Where A Person Lives

Over the last few years I have heard about several studies that have concluded that where a person lives affects whether or not they are obese, over-weight. People who live in suburbs tend to be more obese than people living in cities. By this I mean the downtown areas of cities or larger towns.

The main reason for this is that in suburban areas everything is usually too far away to walk. So rather than walking people just take the car. Taking public transit is either inconvenient or would take too long. Many people traveling to work usually spend a lot of time in their cars each day so they many not have time for exercise. Even if you want to go shopping for groceries, you need to take your car. Everything is spread out. Part of the problem is the way suburban areas are planned out and also the big box stores. Let's face it, suburban areas are definitely not planned for healthy and active living.

Whereas in cities, neighborhoods were designed to be within walking distance. Stores are smaller, restaurants closeer, you have nearby parks, public transportation is convenient... It doesn't make any sense to get in a car and drive when you could easily walk. So you can see that cities were designed more for healthy and active living. This is especially true of many older cities which were designed before the advent of the car.

My point is that even if you live in the suburbs, the obesity rate can be decreased if you find ways to exercise at lease three times a week. Be it going to the gym, exercising at home or outdoors. An effort needs to be made to reverse this trend.

Posted on: Thursday February 16, 2006

Stair Climbing

You can tell whether a person exercises when they have to climb a flight of stairs. If they're out of shape, they end up being out of breath at the top of the stairs or panting for air. Walking up a few flights of stairs instead of taking an elevator can be very beneficial to your health in the long-term.

I've added a very interesting book excerpt that discusses the benefits of stair climbing, supported with factual evidence. I know that many athletes in various sports use stair climbing to increase their leg strength, cardivascular emdurance and the explosive leg power required by many sports.

You can read the stair climbing book excerpt here.

Posted on: Tuesday February 14, 2006

Sleep And Exercise

How much sleep does your body require if you exercise? 

It is recommended that the average person receive at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. However, most people get less than 8 hours mostly due to their hectic lifestyle or they may not have that much time to invest in sleeping. It's important to note that when exercising your body needs as much time as possible to regenerate, build muscle and recuperate which is accomplished by getting enough sleep.

Since we are in the midst of the Winter Olympics, have you ever wondered how much sleep an Olympic athlete requires? I have heard that they require about 10 hours of sleep to maintain peak performance.

My recommendation is that you get as much sleep as you can or that your body requires. And remember, you cannnot catch up on missed sleep but you can catch up on missed work.

Posted on: Saturday February 11, 2006

Weight Training for Everyone

Weight training should be a part of everyone's exercise program regardless of your age or gender. There are many benefits why you should use weights while exercising and you can find many excellent articles on this topic on my site or by clicking here. The approach you take to working out with weights all depends upon your fitness goals and objectives. For those of you who don't like exercising with machines or free weights, try taking an exercise class that incorporates weight training in the routine.

I will now briefly explain some training routines with weights. These explanations are very brief and simplified. I will not discuss the pros and cons of each one. You can try each one for yourself and decide which one weight training method is ideal for you or if you need help, there is an excellent online fitness program which you can find on this blog site.

Lower weights and high repetitions. Ideal for people looking just to tone, stay strong and healthy and is recommended for beginners, seniors and women not looking to increase in muscle mass.

Higher weights done slowly. This approach helps to build muscle mass and strength by using heavier weights and doing each repetition slowly emphasizing both the positive and negative movements, both the lifting or pulling and the releasing. This is ideal for intermediate and experienced people.

Heavy weights done to the maximum. By this I mean you lift the heaviest weight you possibly can for as many repetitions as you can. You need not complete a specified number of reps. The purpose is to push your muscles to their maximum. This method not only builds more muscle mass, but increases your strength to a greater degree. This approach to weight training is for experienced people.

Posted on: Thursday February 9, 2006

Exercise As You Get Older

Why is it that some people as they get older don't look their age. In other words, they look much younger. Yes, hereditary factors can influence how we look and feel as we get older but more importantly, how you take care of yourself throughout your life affects to a greater degree how long you will live and feel in your senior years. From exercising regularly and staying active to staying positive mentally and eating healthy foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These are all important factors in a person's longevity.

These days there are many gyms and fitness trainers starting to specifically cater to seniors because it's important to continue to exercise as you get older and different exercise classes, workout programs are required. 

For those of you looking for help in setting up an exercise program for yourself, regardless of age, please visit Fast Track to Fat Loss.

Posted on: Saturday February 4, 2006

Fitness Site Updates

I want to update you with several new additions that I have made to my fitness site lately. 

The first are three book excerpts from Core Performance Essentals which talks about core body movements, exercises to increase your strength, posture, flexibility and overall health. You can read them here.

The second I have added are books for athletes and coaches based on recent research to help boost athletic performance. You can find them on the left hand side column of my exercise page here.

Posted on: Thursday February 2, 2006


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