Popular Fitness

Medium Grip Pull-up Body Weight Exercise

How to do the medium grip pull up exercise with variations:

Find a convenient way to reach the handles. I like to use the removable side bars of this workstation to stand on so I can reach for the handles very easily and safely.

Grab the medium-grip (middle) handles for the medium grip.

Pull yourself up as far up as you can go then lower yourself as far down as you can while still maintaining a slight bend in your elbow. The lower and the higher up you go it becomes a little more difficult and provides you with a greater range of motion.

Use your core for stability and support - to keep your body from swinging.

Repeat for desired number of sets. I like to do 4-5 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions. For the later sets 8 -10 are fine.

Remember to breathe properly as it is very important in this exercise because if you don’t, you will be quickly be tired and out of breath. Breathe out as you pull up and breathe in as you lower yourself.

Wide-grip pull-up
Close-grip (hammer grip) pull-up

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