Exercises using free weights, weight training exercise machines, barbells and body weight

Exercises Using Weights and Your Bodyweight

Exercise Index:

I have selected some weight training exercises (using dumbbells, barbells and weight machines) and exercises using your own body as weight and all are listed by body part. No matter what your fitness goals are: staying in shape, strengthening your body, building muscle and strength or bodybuilding, each of the below listed exercises are a perfect fit for any workout. I have tried to described for you in full detail the proper way to perform each exercise with variations of each in an easy to understand, step-by-step and coherent manner. I have also added exercise videos to most of the exercises described below.

Abs and Obliques

Ab crunches
Ab rollout with ab wheel
Ab workouts with exercise balls
Best abs exercises
Obliques exercise (standing)
Ab crunches video
All-in-one abdominal exercise
Oblique crunch video
Abdominal exercise with leg extension video
Ab bicycle crunch


Pull-ups - wide, medium, close grips
Hammer Strength iso row
Seated cable pulley row with 3 handle grip variations
One arm bent-over row using a dumbbell
Close-grip lat pulldown with handles or chinning handle
Lat pulldown on FreeMotion machine
Wide pulldown on an Iso Hammer Strength machine
Divergent lat pulldown using the Matrix machine
Straight up pull-ups
Seated pulley rowing
Pull-ups - 4 handle, pullup bar grips
T-bar rowing
Lower back extension
Back exercise for muscle definition

Biceps weight training exercises using dumbbells, barbells and exercise machines. Biceps

Seated biceps curl with dumbbells
Incline dumbbell biceps curl on bench
Biceps curl on Hammer Strength machine
Barbell biceps curl - shoulder width grip, wide grip
Standing barbell biceps curl
Various different bicep curls exercises
Alternative bicep curl
Hammer bicep curl


Wide chest press on Iso Hammer Strength machine
Close-grip chest press on Hammer Strength machine
Close-grip incline chest press on Hammer Strength machine
Incline chest press wide-grip on iso incline Hammer Strength machine
Incline dumbbell chest press - using a wide-grip (standard grip)
Incline dumbbell chest press - ;using a close-grip (hammer grip)
Close-grip chest press on FreeMotion pulley machine
Cable crossovers exercise with 2 variatons (standing and bent-over)
Cable crossover exercise
Hammer chest press - with variations on FreeMotion machine
Flat, incline, decline dumbbell presses
Chest crossovers


Seated leg press
Standing calf raises
Water filled tube walking leg exercise
Dumbbell lunges

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Shoulders (Trapezius and Deltoid muscles)

Dumbbell shoulder press - using a wide-grip
Hammer shoulder press - close-grip using dumbbells
Shoulder press - close-grip and wide-grip on Iso Hammer Strength
Shoulder press - using regular circuit Hammer Strength machine
Arnold press - dumbbell exercise
Perfecting the form for the shoulder press exercise
Pull-ups exercise
Rotator cuff
Upright cable row
Shoulder shrugs on the Hammer Strength machine
Shoulder Shrugs Exercises Using Dumbbells or the Smith Machine
Side laterals raise

Foam Rolling Exercises

8 foam roller exercises for entire body and for self-massage


Wrist curls


Triceps exercises
Reverse grip ticeps pulldown
The V-Shape in triceps muscles

Glutes, Glute Muscles

Butt exercises
Glute exercise on LifeFitness machine

Full body weight training exercises. Full Body Exercises - Bodyweight Exercises

Bridge Exercise - Improve Your Core Strength and Posture
Planks Exercise - plank exercise variations
Compound weight training exercises for short workouts - 2 different combinations of 2 sets
Pull-ups with video - wide, medium and narrow grips
Deadlift exercise
3 multiple muscle exercises - pull-ups, chest crossover, standing barbell biceps curl
Straight up pull-ups - more emphasis for shoulders and back (lats)
Animated pull-ups
Renegade dumbbell rows
Woodchopper exercise - lose love handles
Dumbbell swing
Full body exercises (low to high chop)
Shoulders and legs workout
Best Compound Strength Training Exercises - bench press, pull-ups, squats,deadlifts
Easy to do exercises - exercises that don't require weights and can be done in a home. Ideal for beginners and seniors.

Workouts for Women

Strength and cardiovascular training

Other Workouts

Home weight training workout during Covid-19 gym closure

Bosu Workouts

Core, upper and lower body


Pilates exercises and stretches
Pilates Introduction


Learn Yoga
Yoga positions

Free Fitness Tools

Exercise, weight training workout sheets - 7 day workout sheets by body part and blank sheets.

Weight Training Workout Sessions


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