This is a video book review on LL Cool J’s Platinum Workout. This is a book that I received a few years ago from the book's publisher and it’s been featured on my website for several years now. Finally I’ve decided to do a video book review of it. It should give you a better idea visually of the content inside this book.
This is an excellent weight training and workout book that I feel is more suited for beginners or people in the intermediate level.
It’s also a great book for those of you looking to lose weight through exercise and nutrition. LL Cool J shows you how he changed his eating habits and put on a lot of muscle.
LL Cool J begins by looking at nutrition – what to eat, the protein and fat content of various foods and meal plans. He provides you with various workout and nutrition tips and many workout techniques. He goes into detail on workouts and I’d say that about 2/3s of the content in this book takes you through workouts by body part with detailed colorful pictures of each exercise that he does alone or with his female partner. There are plenty of exercises for you to choose from using of free weights, machines and exercises without weights.
In this HD video, I’ve tried to what I like in this book - LL
Cool J's Platinum Workout. Watch this video in its entirety and decide if it’s appropriate for you.