4 Ways To Improve Your Mental Health This Year

Spending time outdoors by a peaceful quiet lake to improve mental health.

As we move into the new year, we should focus on improving both our physical health and our mental health. Mental health plays a vital role in our overall well-being. Positive mental health makes it less likely for people to experience preventable health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. This means that taking care of our mental health can greatly impact our overall quality of life.

Many of the ways to improve your mental health this year also relate to changes that will improve your physical health. Our brains and bodies are connected, and they flourish when we care for both.

Make Dietary Changes

Our nutrition is key to our mental health. Certain nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B, can help to improve mood and reduce anxiety and depression symptoms. Additionally, following a balanced and nourishing diet can help to improve your energy levels and overall sense of well-being.

A balanced diet heavily features fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Most adults need about 50 grams of protein, which can come from various sources such as meats, nuts, seeds, legumes, and soy products.

Engage in a Regular Exercise Routine

Exercise can positively affect your mental and emotional well-being. It’s no secret that exercise releases endorphins, which can improve your mood and reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression.

Creating an exercise routine helps you regularly experience this endorphin release and can provide structure and a sense of accomplishment. Structure and regular accomplishments can increase feelings of self-efficacy and optimism, which are also good for your mental health.

Play a New Sport

Along with regular exercise, playing a new sport is a great way to engage your body and your mind. Doing something new and challenging can boost self-esteem and improve cognitive function.

Playing sports and being part of a team can also foster social connections and a sense of belonging. Regular socialization with a group of people you trust also improves mental health.

Get Outside and Exercise With Others

Getting outside and exercising with others is a great way to improve your mental health this year and each in every other year, even if you don’t want to play a sport together. The great outdoors is good for your mental health because it can reduce stress and anxiety levels while also improving mood.

Exercising with others can increase feelings of social cohesion and connectedness, even if you’re not on a sports team. Both are important factors in maintaining good mental health.


As you strive to care for your physical health this year, don’t forget to focus on your mental health. Remember that even small changes to your lifestyle can make a big difference when improving your health.