Snacks That Are Healthier Than You Think

If you want to improve your health, you should start by considering your habits and seeing where you might make improvements. Many people lose their battle against weight because they snack too heavily on junk food throughout the day. Eliminating unhealthy snacks is a massive leap when fighting against bad habits. But this does not necessarily mean you need to abuse your taste buds. There are many “junk food” snacks that are healthier than you think.


The health benefits of popcorn largely depend on its methods of preparation. Fried in coconut oil and doused in layers of butter, popcorn is not the healthiest snack. But popcorn is actually a whole grain that carries a percentage of a person’s daily dose of fiber. Air-popped popcorn is a rather healthy, non-harmful snack.

peanut butter as a healthy snack alternative

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter, like popcorn, can be healthy, but the extent of its nutritional value depends on its ingredients. Peanut butter that only contains peanuts and salt is your best option, as it contains high antioxidant content and vitamin E without the harmful additives. Avoid peanut butter recipes that include sugar and hydrogenated fats. Even reduced-fat peanut butter is an unpredictable option, as manufacturers will often replace the fat with sugar or preservatives.


Jerky’s reputation as a “junk food” frequently distracts from the very real health benefits of this snack. Jerky’s drying process removes much of the fat that makes other meat products so unhealthy. What remains is a snack low in fat, high in protein, and containing both zinc and iron. For people with diabetes, jerky is also a spectacular snack to munch on between meals because it does not affect insulin levels.

Dark Chocolate

It is difficult to imagine how a food with “chocolate” in its name could be one of the snacks that are healthier than you think. But dark chocolate does have some benefits that make it attractive to people looking for a healthy way to stay energized throughout the day. It is chock-full of flavanols that bring down blood pressure and reduce the chances of a heart attack. Dark chocolate is also high in magnesium. Combine dark chocolate with almonds, and you will have a healthy, portable snack.