5 Simple and Natural Tips to Get Rid of Back and Joint Pain

Women streching in group exercise class
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Joints enable body movements but once they ache and are in pain, a person suddenly becomes immobile and inactive. The back also plays a big role during movement since it supports the spinal cord that controls all body movement. Back pain leads to strained walking and poor performance of daily activities. There are many ways of getting rid of both back and joint pain, they only depend on severity and causes. Some of the causes include aging, being involved in an accident, inheritance of diseases such of arthritis and poor diet. The patient can seek medical attention or frequent the gym so that it helps to strengthen both the muscles and joints.

Ways that Help to Eliminate Back and Joint Pain

The main cause of back and joint pain is arthritis and these are the best and safest exercises and stretches to eliminate the pain.

1. Walk

Avoid sitting for long periods of time as this worsens the condition and increases the pain. You should also avoid driving a vehicle for a walking distance since that small walk helps to seize the pain. For a comfortable walk, you should avoid pavements and other hard surfaces to avoid falls, wear walking shoes that help you walk comfortably since other some types of shoes can put pressure on the back and the joints, increasing the pain. You should also walk lightly without pounding on the ground to avoid using lots of force triggering the joints.

2. Tai Chi

There is an alternative Chinese exercise which does not strain the muscles known as Tai Chi as you may of heard of or seen in various media. This exercise helps reduce both joint and back pain caused by arthritis and other factors. It involves waist and spinal stretching and puts a little stress on joints making them active a help reduce the pain.

3. Side bends and stretches

Featured in the lifestyle news, it is important to work out the back muscles since they support the spine. It is through light exercises that you can help to keep the muscles strong. Avoid putting too much strain on the stiff muscles until they get used to it and the pain seizes from both the joints and the back. Practice bending front and back maybe once per day to strengthen the back muscles and joints. Use of drugs at times does not work so you have to involve simple exercise to go hand in hand with the treatment. These stretches involve the movement of the waist both right and left. It can ease the back and joint pain. They are not hard to perform and do not require going to any particular place, all you need is some small free space.

4. Correct any bad posture you use

The spine is used to give body posture and the moment you sit with a bad posture you strain the spine hence causing both back and joint pain. For good posture, the spine should be curved slightly inward at the lower back, a little inward at the neck and slightly inward at the lower back. Put your shoulders centered and avoid expanding your chest out. The chest should be upright and elevated, the head should also be should be elevated above the torso. After exercising good posture most of the back and joint pain should come to an end.

5. Avoid sitting for too long

If you work in an office where you have to stay seated for long hours, you should start giving yourself some breaks. These breaks involve standing and walking around the office to stretch the spine. Sitting for too long cause’s unnecessary joint and back pain. While seated, keep your legs flat on the floor, change sitting posture and in most cases practice maintaining an upright posture. If possible, consider working while standing to avoid frequent joint and back pains. As featured in the lifestyle news, individuals who hate walking and love sitting for long periods of time are prone to joint pain. Involving your body in other activities rather than sitting is advantageous for your body and overall health.

CBD Oil for Joint Pain

You may also want to research and consider using another natural approach like cbd oil. While studies are still fairly new, cbd oil is showing promising results in managing joint pain.

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Nobody is comfortable with an aching body. Everyone is always out there looking for a solution to solve the problem. With both joint and back pain, people tend to stop their daily activities and look for a solution that involves painkillers. The main question to such people is “for how long will you buy painkillers?” The best step to take is to identify the root of the pain and start working on a solution. The human body can get used to painkillers and stop responding to them with your problem becoming more severe. Getting to the doctor for proper examination as early as possible will help administer the best and quickest solution. Exercises and stretching as being the main solution for the back and joint pain need to be taken seriously since they give you a more lasting solution in comparison with some or most medications.

Author Bio:

Daisy Grace author

Daisy Grace is a US native and a professional health and beauty expert. She is passionate about health, fitness, beauty and has been working as a freelance content writer for several online websites. Currently she is doing research on Probioslim reviews and also on other weight loss supplements. Daisy believes in her power of self-motivation.