Indoor vs. Outdoor Pickleball - What Is the Difference?

Pickleball player with racket and ball image.
Photo by Aleksander Saks

We know that pickleball, an exciting blend of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong, can be a thrilling game to play both indoors and outdoors. But did you know that some significant differences between the two versions of the game exist? With winter in full swing, let’s dive into this topic and explore the differences between indoor and outdoor pickleball.

The Ball

First things first, the pickleball itself differs significantly depending on where you are playing. Indoor pickleballs are lighter and have 26 larger holes. Manufacturers designed them this way to accommodate the smooth and controlled indoor environment. On the other hand, outdoor pickleballs are heavier with 40 smaller holes, and manufacturers built them to withstand elements like wind and sunlight.

The Playing Surface

The surface you play on greatly influences your game strategy. Indoor courts are usually wooden or made of smooth synthetic material. This surface results in a faster game with less bounce. Outdoor courts, typically made from asphalt or concrete, offer more bounce and a slower-paced game due to the rougher surface texture.

Weather Conditions

Of course, you’re at the mercy of Mother Nature when you step outside to play this popular sport - just be sure you’re not playing on a wet court. Wind, sun, and temperature variations can all affect your game, requiring you to adapt and strategize differently. Indoor pickleball eliminates these variables, making the game more about technique and less about adaptation.

Noise Factor

Indoor pickleball can be loud! The echo of the ball and player chatter within enclosed spaces can create quite a racket. Outdoor play tends to be quieter (unless you’re battling against the wind) as noise disperses in open spaces.

Player Tactics and Strategy

Due to the aforementioned factors, player tactics can significantly vary when playing indoor and outdoor pickleball. Indoor games tend to be more about finesse and precision, given the controlled environment and faster surface. Outdoor games often require more power and strength due to the heavier ball and environmental elements.


The differences between indoor and outdoor pickleball might be somewhat stark, but they also have their unique charms and challenges. Pickleball promises a fun and engaging workout any time of the year, whether you prefer the controlled environment of indoor play or the unpredictable thrill of outdoor play!