Getting Started On Your Fitness Journey

Joggers jogging on New York City bridge
Photo by Curtis MacNewton (

The latest data from the National Center for Health Statistics makes for grim reading. Almost 40% of American adults are obese, and it’s affecting society’s kids and teens too. Whether you’re concerned about your weight, eyeing up a bikini for summer, or just want to set a great example for your family, now is the perfect time to get started with a fitness program. The old cliche´ of the gym being full of young ‘muscley” men is a myth; nowadays you can look and feel great whatever your age. So, follow these top fitness tips to work your way to a better body.

Define your goals

We are joyfully all made in different shapes and sizes, so picking an arbitrary weight or jean size may not be the best way to set a goal. Instead, consider your overall health and priorities and set yourself realistic, achievable goals. While weight loss isn’t the only thing that matters, scientists have found that losing just 5% of your body weight makes a dramatic difference to your health. That could be a great goal to start with. You may also want to build a little muscle to look leaner and defined or strengthen your core. You may simply want to look better in your skinny jeans. No two people have the same build and goals, so don’t feel pressured to be like someone else.

Choose your exercise

Just as we are all different, so is the world of exercise! There should be an activity to suit you, whatever you’re into. A gym is a great place to seek professional advice, and they will have a variety of equipment, and possibly even classes on offer. Group exercise classes can be great for shared motivation and encouragement. You may prefer a home or outdoor workout though, in which case choose something that you enjoy (so you stick with it) and will help you achieve your goals. If you fancy trying a Crossfit program, for example, there are now even Crossfit subscription boxes for women which will deliver all you need for your workouts.

Get the gear

Once you’ve chosen your preferred program, you may need a little gear to get you started. For home workouts, you will need to decide on any machines or weights you want to invest in. There’s a growing market online for second hand or refurbished gym equipment so it’s worth checking local selling pages. One crucial investment is in some good footwear, particularly if you’re planning to go running regularly. You can also have some fun with your fitness clothes; pulling on something you’ve chosen specially for your workout is a lot more motivating than digging an old t-shirt out from the back of the dresser.

Fitness is a journey, and it can be a lifelong one at that. Monitor your progress so that you can reward yourself when you achieve your goals, and push yourself that bit further, on to accomplishments you may never have dreamed of. Exercising with friends or signing up to fitness apps is a great way to stay motivated, recover from failures (everyone has them) and to share your happiness when you do hit those goals. Your fitness journey starts here; make it a great one.