How NFL Quarterback Tom Brady Uses the Foam Roller to Stay in Peak Shape and as a Massage Tool

NFL quarterback Tom Brady throwing a pass during a New England Patriot practice.
Photo by Cian Leach

At the age of 45, after an incredibly long, illustrious and extremely successful career in football, NFL quarterback Tom Brady has this time finally retired for good.

Are you curious about how Tom Brady has managed to stay in peak shape even in his forties while playing this physically punishing and tough sport? One of his secrets is his use of the foam roller as both a workout tool and as a massage tool for self-massage.

A few years ago, Tom Brady provided me with the inspiration and the many reasons why I should be using a foam roller as part of my workout routine. I used to think that the foam roller was just a gimmick and a waste of time. How can it possibly provide any useful benefits? It wasn’t until my actor friend mentioned that he was reading a book about Tom Brady and how he uses the foam roller. I did a little bit of research about how to use a foam roller, the different types of foam rollers. Eventually, I tried it for myself at the gym and realized its many benefits. Now I have 2 foam rollers of different length and firmness for use in my home.

In this article, I will discuss how Tom Brady incorporates the foam roller into his fitness routine and how it helped him maintain top performance on and off the field and be able to play at a high level for so many years. Tom Brady's dedication to his sport extends beyond the football field. To stay at the top of his game, he adopted various techniques to care for his body. One such technique is the use of a foam roller, a simple yet powerful tool that helps him prevent injuries and recover faster.

Let's explore how Tom Brady leveraged the use of the foam roller in his fitness regimen to keep in peak shape.

The Foam Roller: A Versatile Workout Tool

At its core, the foam roller is a cylindrical foam apparatus used for self-myofascial release (SMR) exercises. These exercises involve applying pressure to specific areas of the body to alleviate muscle tension and promote muscle recovery. Tom Brady incorporates the foam roller into his warm-up routine before every workout session.

Enhance Flexibility and Range of Motion

Using the foam roller helps Tom Brady enhance his flexibility and range of motion. By rolling the foam roller along his muscles, he releases any tightness or adhesions that may have developed during intense physical activities. This, in turn, enables him to perform exercises with a greater range of motion, reducing the risk of injuries.

Activate Core Stabilizers

A strong core is vital for any athlete, and Tom Brady understands this well. By utilizing the foam roller, he engages his core stabilizer muscles while performing various exercises. This not only strengthens his core but also improves his overall posture and stability during movements on the field.

Injury Prevention

Injuries can derail even the most seasoned athletes, but Tom Brady takes proactive measures to prevent them. Regular use of the foam roller helps him identify and address potential muscle imbalances or tight spots that could lead to injury. By targeting these areas with the foam roller, he minimizes the risk of strains or sprains during training and games.

The Foam Roller as a Massage Tool

In addition to being a versatile workout tool, Tom Brady also utilizes the foam roller as a massage tool for self-massage. This allows him to enjoy the benefits of professional massage therapy without the need for a dedicated masseuse.

Relaxation and Stress Relief

After a gruelling workout or a challenging game, Tom Brady uses the foam roller to relax his muscles and relieve any accumulated stress. The rolling motion of the foam roller stimulates blood flow and promotes the release of endorphins, providing a calming and soothing effect on the body.

Speed Up Recovery and Aid in Muscle Repair

Intense physical activities can often cause muscle soreness and fatigue. By massaging his muscles with the foam roller, Tom Brady accelerates the recovery process and aids in muscle repair. The pressure applied through the foam roller helps increase blood circulation, delivering essential nutrients to the muscles and flushing out metabolic waste products.

Incorporating the Foam Roller into Your Routine

Now that you understand how Tom Brady effectively uses the foam roller, you may be wondering how to incorporate it into your own workout regimen.

Here are some foam rolling tips to get you started:

  1. Begin with a light warm-up session to prepare your muscles.
  2. Target specific muscle groups by rolling the foam roller along the length of the muscle.
  3. Spend extra time on areas that feel tight or sore.
  4. Apply steady and controlled pressure, gradually increasing intensity over time.
  5. Breathe deeply and relax while engaging in foam rolling exercises.
  6. Incorporate foam rolling into your pre- and post-workout routine for maximum benefits.

Remember, consistency is key. Regular use of the foam roller will yield the best results in terms of injury prevention and muscle recovery.


Former NFL quarterback Tom Brady's use of the foam roller as a workout tool and a massage tool showcases his commitment to maintaining peak shape and performance. By incorporating the foam roller into your own fitness routine, you can unlock its numerous benefits and elevate your overall physical well-being and performance regardless of whether you are a professional athlete or you just engaging in regular exercise or strength training to stay in optimal shape.