Shoulder Shrugs Exercise Using Dumbbells or the Smith Machine

Shoulder shrug exercise using dumbbells

Ideally I prefer to do the shoulder shrugs exercise using the Hammer Strength plate-loaded machine, but my gym doesn’t have these machines and refuses to carry them. I am hoping LA Fitness will open up a gym in my area eventually. Regardless, there are 2 alternative ways to do the shoulder shrug exercise. One is using 2 dumbbells which is an excellent and better alternative. Another, is using the Smith machine. Not my favorite since it is hard to grasp the bar because of the nature of the Smith machine but it does work your shoulders from a different angle and may be worthwhile doing once in a while.

Shoulder Shrugs Exercise Using Dumbbells

Shoulder Shrugs Exercise Using Smith Machine

Here is a videos that I combined showing how the two different options of the shoulder shrug can be done: