Butt Exercises - Glute Exercises

Floor exercise and exercise with fitness equipment for gluteus muscles

Most weight-bearing leg exercises will work out your gluteus muscles to a degree. The same is true with various gym classes, running, rollerblading and ice skating. You can decide to omit targeted exercises for your gluteus muscles from your regular workouts entirely, but I feel that it’s good to stretch (particularly if you have a day job which requires sitting on a chair), to strengthen and to tone this muscle group from time-to-time. You will not only look much better and sexier, but your muscles will be stronger.

I have two types of exercises for your gluteus muscles, I’ll use butt for short.

Floor Exercise for the Butt

This floor exercise is an extremely effective one for strengthening and toning your butt. It really targets these muscles and can be done anywhere and without any exercise equipment.

Method of Performance

LifeFitness Glute Machine

This is my favorite exercise machine for the gluteus muscles. I like this exercise because although it works your butt muscles, it also is a great full-leg exercise, especially if you don’t have much time to do your legs. It’s done on a LifeFitness exercise machine or any other make of this type of glute machine.

Read my 4 reasons to use the Life Fitness glute machine.

Method of Performance

There are also plenty of other exercises that will tone, stretch and strengthen your butt muscles like fitness classes, Yoga, Pilates, ice skating and rollerblading.