Two Excellent Biceps Exercises

For those of you into bodybuilding, here are a few exercises that will help you to achieve nice and pumped, large biceps. These exercises are great for strengthening and elongating your biceps muscles, making them look big and full.

These exercises are also great for getting rid of the fat around the arms. Ideal also for women who may only want to tone and strengthen their biceps and get rid of the flabby arm look.

My 2 favorite exercises for the biceps are: biceps curls done on the Hammer Strength machine and the standing barbell curl using either a close grip or wide-grip or a variation thereof.

Bicep Curls using the Hammer Strength Machine

These curls strongly emphasize the entire bicep muscles giving you long, full and large biceps. Great for working the meat of the biceps. Plus you can go as heavy as you want without the use of a spotter.

Method of Performance:

Watch video here

This exercise can also be done using a barbell or 2 dumbbells on a preacher curl bench.


The Standing Barbell Curl

This exercise focuses on the entire bicep muscles with secondary emphasis on the flexor muscles and on the inside of your forearms.

Method of performance:


You may want to try a narrower or even slightly wider grip on the barbell depending on what works better for you. Plus it will work your biceps from a slightly different angle.
