AquaDam Water Filled Tube Walking Leg Exercise

AquaDam water filled tubes leg workout

Exercising does not have to always involve going to the gym or playing a sport. Sometimes you can come across opportunities that exist in your daily surroundings to get a good exercise workout without even intending to do an exercise workout. By chance this occurred a few days ago. I happened to stumble upon a new possible leg exercise workout and I decided to take advantage of this opportunity.

While walking and to avoid walking through a slimy water flooded road, I came across these long AquaDam water filled tubes. I decided to try walking on these tubes and found that the buoyancy of the water and the strength of the tube allowed me to easily and quickly walk on them without falling.

I also found that these tubes provide a great strength training leg workout by exercising all the muscles in your legs and feet simultaneously as well, it is great for improving your balance and agility. With every step into the tube, your foot sinks a little creating resistance requiring strength to be used to continue your walking stride.

Also, because the material and the water absorbed all the shock from walking it is easy on your knees and joints.

Perhaps one day this will become a new fitness trend in exercise!