Comparing Cardio: Exercise Bike vs Treadmill

Exercise bikes - photo by popular fitness

Exercise bikes and treadmills are two of the most used exercise machines. This is true for both at-home use and in the gym. When searching for an easy effective workout, they offer convenience with simple set up and different resistance levels/programs to individualize your training regime.

What is cardio?

Cardiovascular (cardio) exercise is any type of movement that increases a person's heart rate to enhance their body's oxygen flow. There is a myth that cardio exercise has to be of high intensity, such as running or plyometrics. However, the truth is that low impact exercise can be just as effective in getting the heart rate up. Plus, lower impact exercise can be more tolerable for anyone with joint pain, low endurance or even just low motivation. Some low impact options include cycling, walking, swimming, and rowing.

Cardio is part of a healthy exercise routine.

No matter what you can tolerate, the importance of cardio exercise cannot be underestimated. Studies have shown that regular cardio exercise remarkably minimizes your risk of heart problems and stroke. (These are two of the major causes of death in the developed world).

Doing regular cardio provides many health benefits:

How much cardio is enough to gain these benefits?

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise per week. Considering there are over 10,000 minutes in a week, this is a reasonable goal that anyone should be able to reach!

To achieve your cardio goals, an exercise bike or treadmill are both great ways to get the heart pumping.

Exercise bike vs. Treadmill: Which is right for you?

The Exercise Bike

The exercise bike is similar to a regular bike, except that you can go for a ride in the comfort of your own home or gym. Unlike traditional bikes, exercise bikes enable you to simulate going uphill by adjusting the resistance. This feature helps to make the ride harder and boosts overall calorie burn. The added resistance also has the extra benefit of toning the leg muscles from the calves to the gluts.

Pros Of An Exercise Bike

Cons Of An Exercise Bike

The Treadmill

Treadmills enable runners and walkers to exercise regardless of the weather (or pollution) outside. A treadmill offers the ability to increase resistance by adjusting the incline, which simulates running or walking up a hill. Treadmills are quite versatile, allowing you to choose your intensity from a slow walking pace to sprinting.

Pros Of A Treadmill

Cons Of A Treadmill

And The Winner Is…

Both the exercise bike and treadmill are good tools for cardiovascular workouts. Choosing which machine is right for you really depends on your comfort, balance, fitness level, and goals. If you have biking or walking/running goals, then choosing that specific mode of exercise will help you to attain them more quickly. Ideally, if you have the budget, the space at home or you go to a local gym, you do not have to make a choice. Having both machines and alternating between them offers you good cardio options while combating boredom.

The important part is that you are getting consistent cardio to keep yourself healthy!