Best Treadmill For Your Home Gym

Treadmill and cardio equipment for home gym
Photo by C_Kawi,

Treadmills are an increasingly popular addition to home gyms, especially for those who don’t have time to make it to their local gyms on a regular basis. These exercise machines offer convenience, simplicity, ease of use and a way to track your progress, among other benefits.

There are lots of different treadmills out there vying for space in your home gym. Choosing one from the wide range available can be quite confusing and the machine’s accessibility, comfort, deck length and quietness are among the things to look for before purchasing a treadmill. However, some treadmills offer exceptional power and reliability, standing out from all the others.

Here are 3 such treadmills that are perfect for your home gym:

1. The NordicTrack Commercial 1750

NordicTrack is a well-known company when it comes to treadmills, giving clients great discounts and amazing running experiences.

The NordicTrack C-series, in particular, has some of the best treadmills meant for home use, with the Commercial 1750 being noticeable for its performance and affordability. This model is also equipped with a 3.6 CHP motor which can stand up to daily use as well as a decent-sized 22” x 60” running belt (large enough to accommodate most people). Other pros include several pre-set workouts from the iFit library, a 7-inch web-enabled touchscreen and a fan to help cool you down. This is a great option for a home use treadmill.

2. The LifeSpan TR3000i

Some people develop joint problems from running on treadmills. To alleviate this, the LifeSpan TR3000i is equipped with extensive impact-absorbing shocks in its deck. This makes the machine safe and comfortable to use. Additionally, it features a 6-inch multi-color LCD screen that lets you monitor your heart rate, speed, distance, calories burned, etc. Even better, it also comes with over 22 pre-programmed workouts and 15 inclined levels so you can easily vary your workouts. It can also be folded and put away after you’re done with it. The major disadvantage of this treadmill is that it’s not designed for high-intensity workouts.

3. The ProForm Pro 2000

Another good all-around treadmill for both walkers and runners is the ProForm Pro 2000. This affordable machine has a sturdy steel frame and comes with a lifetime warranty on its 3.5 horsepower motor. Other than the foldable frame and large running belt, this treadmill is also loaded with different tech features. These include compatibility with iPods and Mp3 players so you can listen to music as you work out, a 7-inch backlit screen that shows you your speed, mileage and calorie burn as well as 32 built-in workouts. The ProForm Pro 2000 also has incline/decline settings to go from a 3% decline to a 15% incline. The one disadvantage is that this is a rather heavy treadmill compared to others.

There are many other treadmills on the market, all promising to improve your running performance. Do your research to ensure that you purchase one that suits your unique needs and lifestyle.