Actionable Fitness Tips for New Moms - How to Regain Shape

A postpartum woman walking to get in pre-pregnancy shape.
Photo from Unsplash

The postpartum period is a whirlwind of emotions and physical adjustments. While you're busy adjusting to life with your new bundle of joy, it's natural to wonder about regaining your pre-pregnancy shape. The good news is that with a safe and gradual approach, you can achieve your fitness goals.

This article dives into actionable tips specifically designed for busy moms.

1. Listen to Your Body and Get Clearance

While the desire to regain your pre-pregnancy shape might be strong, prioritizing your health and well-being is paramount. This starts with listening to your body and getting clearance from your doctor before embarking on a postpartum exercise routine.

According to Mayo Clinic, if you had a vaginal delivery and an uncomplicated pregnancy, you can begin exercising a few days after giving birth. However, if you had a C-section or a complicated birth, it's crucial to discuss the appropriate time to start exercising with your healthcare provider.

Start with a gentle warm-up and cool-down, gradually increasing your pace. Wearing a supportive bra and nursing pads if breastfeeding can enhance comfort during workouts. Most importantly, understand your body and stop exercising if you experience pain or discomfort.

2. Start Slowly and Gradually Increase the Intensity

The postpartum journey is a marathon, not a sprint. The key to success lies in starting slowly and gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts.

Begin with gentle exercises like walking and light yoga, which can help strengthen your core and improve pelvic floor health. As you feel more comfortable and confident, gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts.

Baby Center highlights the benefits of incorporating your baby into your workouts. Whether it's a structured mommy-and-me exercise class or a brisk walk with your little one, this approach allows you to exercise. Plus, you get to spend quality time with your baby.

As your baby grows, you can progress to using a jogging stroller for a more brisk pace or a sling for hands-free workouts.

Many local gyms, health clubs, and yoga studios offer postpartum exercise classes specifically designed for new moms. These classes often allow you to bring your baby along. This can be a great option for moms seeking a structured workout routine and the opportunity to connect with other new moms.

3. Explore Bodyweight Exercises and Home Workouts

The early months of motherhood are a whirlwind of feeding schedules, diaper changes, and precious snuggles. Finding time for dedicated gym sessions can feel like a luxury.

However, you don't need fancy equipment or a gym membership to get a great workout. Your own body weight can help you in regaining strength and improving fitness.

Exercises like squats, lunges, planks, and push-ups (modified versions can be done on your knees) are foundational movements that target various muscle groups. Squats work your legs and core, while lunges improve balance and coordination.

Planks strengthen your core and back muscles, and modified push-ups can build upper body strength. These exercises require minimal space and can be done anywhere in your home, making them perfect for busy new moms.

The internet is brimming with free resources specifically designed for postpartum fitness. Numerous websites and apps offer bodyweight workout routines tailored for new moms. These routines often consider the limitations of new motherhood and incorporate exercises that can be done in short bursts throughout the day.

WebMD recommends exercises like "baby gliders" and "baby bouncers" which involve lunges and squats while holding your baby close. These exercises not only strengthen your legs and core but also provide precious bonding time with your little one.

However, caution is crucial. Practice these moves with a doll or a blanket first, ensuring your form and balance are secure before involving your baby.

4. Incorporating Infant Care into Your Fitness Routine

Infants require around-the-clock care. Feeding schedules, diaper changes, and soothing cries take precedence over everything else. The thought of carving out dedicated workout time can feel overwhelming, especially in the face of a seemingly endless to-do list.

Adding to the challenge, newborns are particularly susceptible to minor illnesses, further disrupting schedules and routines. A bout of colic or a simple ear infection can throw your carefully planned workout window out the window.

This is where consulting with your pediatrician or other healthcare providers becomes invaluable. They can offer guidance on incorporating safe and manageable exercise into your routine while prioritizing your baby's well-being.

Baylor University notes that neonatal nurses can be a godsend for new moms, especially those facing challenges with infant care. These specialized nurses possess extensive knowledge of newborn health and development. They can guide infant care practices, offer reassurance during illness, and even demonstrate calming techniques to soothe a fussy baby.

For individuals passionate about supporting mothers and newborns, pursuing a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP) degree can be a fulfilling career path. Neonatal nurse practitioner schooling is a specialized educational pathway designed to prepare registered nurses (RNs) for advanced practice in neonatal care.

The curriculum focuses on advanced clinical skills, specialized knowledge in neonatal health, and leadership abilities necessary to excel in this role.

Neonatal nurse practitioners play a critical role in the healthcare team. They provide comprehensive care to newborns and their families in various settings, including NICUs, pediatric clinics, and specialty hospitals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my body shape go back to normal after pregnancy?

Your body may change during pregnancy, and postpartum recovery varies for each woman. With proper care, nutrition, and exercise, many women gradually regain their pre-pregnancy shape.

How can I tighten my waist after having a baby?

To tighten your waist postpartum, focus on core-strengthening exercises like pelvic tilts, planks, and abdominal crunches. Incorporate cardio exercises and a balanced diet to reduce overall body fat. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of workouts, and consult a healthcare provider before starting any exercise regimen post-pregnancy.

How do celebrities look good after birth?

Celebrities often have access to personal trainers, nutritionists, and other resources to support their postpartum fitness and wellness journey. They may follow tailored exercise routines, balanced diets, and receive professional grooming and styling. Additionally, some may opt for cosmetic procedures or enhancements to maintain their appearance.


To conclude, while regaining your pre-pregnancy shape is a worthy goal, prioritize listening to your body and focus on safe and gradual exercise routines.

Embrace bodyweight exercises, explore free online resources, and don't be afraid to get creative with incorporating your baby into your workouts. By prioritizing your well-being and establishing routines that work for you and your baby, you can reclaim your strength.